
I'm reading so many stories about restaurants around the country having to make the gut-wrenching decision to temporarily close and layoff countless staff.

While survival mode is the new normal, hopefully we will have more clarity in the coming days.

I've been active posting to the site with a handful of updates that can hopefully be of help...

1. "FREE FOR 90 DAYS: Digital Ordering Solution for Delivery and Take-out" - check out the company making this available:

2. "Restaurants to Congress: We Need Relief Now!" - The NRA is lobbying the government hard for relief and there are now bills in Congress offering both personal and business relief options in the near future. Keep your eyes and ears open for news there that will help your business as well as your staff.

3. "Restaurant & Bar Insurance - COVID-19 Coverage" - I did a quick interview with David DeLorenzo of to talk about potential insurance issues.

4. "Catering Opportunities During Coronavirus" - There are opportunities in the craziness...

5. "25 Tips for Getting Your Restaurant's Takeout & Delivery Right" - good list of tips...

6. "Restaurant Takeout: What's Important to Know?" - a link to an article on NetWaiter's site...

7. "Food Safety Training Program Offered to the Public for Free During COVID-19 Pandemic"

I'll be working on more updates for you including some examples of how restaurants are using social right now for marketing.

Please do email me with updates on what you need and what you're experiencing.
- Jaime