August 5, 2023
***last chance to sponsor our ride!  My son Jonah and I are on our bikes starting today to complete the Pan Mass Challenge -- 286 butt-hurting miles in support of cancer research, thanks for your help!***
Dear Valued Reader,

Like pretty much every other week lately, the teases we're sifting through are mostly about artificial intelligence (AI) and the way's it's going to change the world (and, of course, make you super rich!)  This week, twe started out with a pitch about "the Army's #1 A.I. Weapon" from Dylan Jovine... what's that "living software" story all about?  Just click below to...

TradeSmith, one of the world's most cutting-edge financial tech companies, just launched a breakthrough, new A.I. algorithm called An-E... and showed many of its past predictions and just how accurate they were (often precise to within a tenth of a percent). The company also showed what An-E's predictions were for three of the most widely held stocks on the market one-month into the future.

You can see what those predictions are by going here.


Then it was Alex Green over at the Oxford Club, he's putting a new shine on an old teaser stock by waxing it up with some "AI" hype -- his new ads say this "Hidden AI Stock" is the "secret key to ChatGPT" and trades for less than five bucks.  Answers and the back story are a mere click away.

Then Doc Gumshoe popped in with part two of his update on the world of cancer treatment... I always learn something from these pieces.

And my favorite people, the Stock Gumshoe Irregulars, got two bonus articles this week... that started out on Monday, when I shared an update on my hedging strategy, including the specific technique I use.

Then Friday came around, time for the Friday File -- this week I've got a few updates on earnings from Amazon, Markel and others, including some revisions to the "buy under" prices I watch... just click below for that...

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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