A June wedding in a faraway village

We came to Portugal knowing only the words for apology (desculpe) and gratitude (obrigado) and were stunned by the beauty on every hand, the seaside city of Porto on the river Douro, the narrow twisty streets and red tile roofs over skinny passageways into stone-paved courtyards, the crowd on the stone wharf at night, the girl swinging flaming torches and an old man singing to his guitar about his many heroic disappointments.

We came here to attend a wedding and meanwhile I was happy to sit at a table in a café, surrounded by strangers, eating a meal such as my mother would have served, pork roast and cabbage and boiled potatoes. The language barrier feels very comforting: Ignorância! It sounds even better in French: ignorance. Italian: ignoranza. German: ignoranz. I impersonated intelligence long enough; time to be myself.

Our teachers taught us that it was important to be well-informed on current events so that we could be good citizens, and The Washington Post’s motto, “Democracy Dies in Darkness,” has nice alliteration, but does everything depend on a bunch of Eagle Scouts wading through tall grass with flashlights? I relish being anonymous and powerless in a place where I understand nothing. Nobody cares what I think about Whatsisname and Whatchamacallit. We’re just people here. The waiter pours another glass of water. “Obrigado,” I say.

At home in a beautiful land
Whose language I don’t understand,
Here for a wedding
And gladly forgetting
The rational life I had planned.
The language barrier
Makes me feel merrier:
Vive l’amour. C’est bon. Très grand.  

Read the rest of the column >>>

A Year in Lake Wobegon

As we approach the 45th anniversary of the first A Prairie Home Companion broadcast, we are releasing a host of new products we hope you will love. Over the course of the next month, we will be introducing new items in our newsletters and adding special discounts to existing products, all as a way of saying: Thanks for listening to the show since 1974!

This week, we start with a brand-new collection of "above average" Lake Wobegon stories. Our staff and volunteers have been working on this collection for about a year, picking the very best newer stories to represent each month. Despite what Keillor often says about it being a quiet week in Lake Wobegon, a lot happens in "the little town that time forgot and decades could not improve."

These 12 stories capture family gatherings and holiday celebrations, both humorous and touching, that happen during one calendar year. Material includes more than 3 hours of monologues culled from live broadcasts of A Prairie Home Companion that aired between 2014 and 2016. Also included: a poem by Garrison for each month of the calendar year, plus music by Peter Ostroushko.   

Get the CDs >>>

25th Anniversary Writer's Almanac Hat

The Writer's Almanac has returned, and what better way to spread the news than by wearing by our new 25th Anniversary hat? Every hat you buy goes toward supporting the distribution of the show and the payment of poets.

You can also help by following The Writer's Almanac on Facebook and sharing the daily post, or by signing up for the email newsletter* and forwarding it your friends!

                                   Order the hat >>>
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*to sign up for daily emails from The Writer's Almanac, scroll down to the bottom of this email and click "update your preferences." Make sure to put a checkmark next to both boxes: Garrison Keillor and The Writer's Almanac.

The Complete Lake Wobegon

Many of us are missing the weekly updates about the "little town that time forgot and decades could not improve." We know this to be true, because The Complete Lake Wobegon CD collection is the #1 seller in our online store!

Get in on the action and order yours today at a special sale price. All your favorite stories are included: "Pontoon," "Homecoming," "Giant Decoys," "Gladys Hits a Raccoon," and much more. The gift set contains every title previously released plus Lake Wobegon monologues from live A Prairie Home Companion performances. Included in this set but not pictured are the 2 most recent collections: "The Road Home" and "My Little Town." 42 CDs total and hours upon hours of classic humor!

Purchase the Complete Lake Wobegon >>>

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