In 2003, the Human Genome Project made history when it announced that the human genome had been sequenced. Since that time, the science of genomics – utilizing the patient’s individual genetic information or that in the cells of their disease to target treatments that are both more effective and less toxic – has grown to the point that nearly three-quarters of all oncology drugs/agents currently in development are focused on a specific gene, mRNA or protein or other biomarker.

In the early 2000s, I was an executive at a hospital in Silicon Valley and became interested in this emerging science. That interest resulted in an invitation to speak at the 2008 Precision Medicine Conference, the big annual genomics conference hosted by Harvard Medical School. My presentation in turn resulted in an invitation to come to Dallas to meet with the leadership and tour Mary Crowley Cancer Research.

At the time of my site visit in 2009, Mary Crowley was already a leader in genomic trials. Since that visit, I have been following the progress of this truly inspiring cancer research center. The idea that I would one day become the CEO of Mary Crowley never occurred to me…until very recently.

I assumed my new role as CEO in November 2021. I have spent my first six months getting to know the organization and collaborating with our physicians, staff and the board as we plan for our future.

The last several years have seen an increase in the number of trials at Mary Crowley as we have become a preferred site for trial sponsors. Our efficiency, clinical excellence and earned reputation with the regulators have resulted in Mary Crowley being in a position to bring the most scientifically compelling trials to our clinic. This is especially true for genomic trials.

Mary Crowley has been the starting point for 18 FDA-approved cancer drugs that are now part of standard therapy. We are poised to significantly add to that number in the near term.

With the support of our donors, physicians and staff, Mary Crowley will continue to conduct the most promising cancer trials whether they be genomic trials, first in human drug trials, immunotherapy trials or a combination. I am excited to be a part of this effort to find new and better treatments for cancer patients.

Best wishes,
Jon Friedenberg
Chief Executive Officer
Mary Crowley Cancer Research