A loan product poised to revolutionize retirement | How will offers of compensation be communicated if brokers can't use MLSs? Doesn't this make broker compensation less transparent? | Brands get feedback from Facebook groups
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June 4, 2024
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For retirees sitting on a lot of home equity, the FHA's home equity conversion mortgage for purchase may be just the ticket for their next move.
Full Story: REALTOR® Magazine (5/31) 
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If you want to stand as out as THE trusted listing expert in any market, you need to add our Pre-Listing Packet to your arsenal. Secure the listing before the listing appointment, establish yourself as the go-to trusted expert, and even attract new listings. Download Now >>
Settlement Answers
How will offers of compensation be communicated if brokers can't use MLSs? Doesn't this make broker compensation less transparent?
Offers of compensation could continue to be an option consumers can pursue off-MLS through negotiation and consultation with real estate professionals. And sellers can offer buyer concessions on an MLS (for example, concessions that can be used for buyer closing costs).

The settlement does not change the ethical duties that NAR members owe their clients. REALTORS® are always required to protect and promote the interests of their clients and treat all parties in a transaction honestly (Article 1, COE). NAR members will continue to use their skill, care and diligence to protect the interests of their clients.

NAR remains dedicated to promoting transparency in the marketplace and working to ensure that consumers have access to comprehensive, equitable, transparent and reliable property information, as well as the ability to have affordable professional representation in their real estate transactions. Get more facts about NAR's proposed settlement agreement at facts.realtor.
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Best Practices in Sales & Marketing
Consumer discussions on Facebook groups have become valuable sources of feedback and loyalty for brands like Grove Collaborative, Peloton and Instant Pot. "If you show me a more authentic community, you're building that trust you don't get on ads," said Gartner Director Analyst Claudia Ratterman.
Full Story: Modern Retail (tiered subscription model) (6/3) 
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Saying, "I don't know," as a leader isn't a sign of weakness; instead, it shows that you know your team can often be smarter than you and have ideas and solutions you may not have yet considered, writes columnist Jason Aten. "As a leader, even though it can seem unsatisfying to not have an answer for everything, making bad decisions just because you want to look like you know everything is the one thing you should never do," Aten notes.
Full Story: Inc. (tiered subscription model) (6/3) 
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Real Estate Trends
Pent-up housing demand and NAR's proposed settlement agreement will have an impact on your business.
Full Story: REALTOR® Magazine (5/3) 
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Owning a waterfront property is a dream for many Americans. Here's where your clients can snag a beach house in the U.S. for under $450,000.
Full Story: REALTOR® Magazine (6/4) 
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Home listings are starting to increase, but buyers are in short supply in many markets, with the average rate on a 30-year mortgage remaining around 7%. "You can have high prices or you can have high mortgage rates, but you can't have both for long," said Ralph McLaughlin of Realtor.com.
Full Story: Bloomberg (6/1) 
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Technology & Innovations
Virtual tours with 360° panoramic views are transforming real estate by allowing potential buyers to explore properties remotely in an immersive, interactive manner.
Full Story: INSC Digital Magazine (Cleveland) (6/3) 
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Fair & Equitable Housing
In a case that is drawing national attention, an octogenarian condo owner attempted to cancel the pending sale of her $749,000 property when she learned that the buyer was a Black woman. The buyer, Raven Baxter, drew attention to the issue by sharing her story on social media.
Full Story: The New York Times (5/31),  Black Enterprise (6/3) 
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Legislation & Regulation
Underlying financial data points to a stalling U.S. economy that could sway the Federal Reserve in upcoming rate-setting decisions. Personal income increased 0.3% from the preceding month, while personal spending was up just 0.2%, compared with 0.7% in March.
Full Story: The Wall Street Journal (6/2) 
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About The National Association of REALTORS®
The National Association of REALTORS® is America's largest trade association, representing more than 1.5 million members involved in all aspects of the residential and commercial real estate industries. REALTOR® Magazine is the official magazine of NAR, bringing expert insight to real estate trends, tools, and business strategies.
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