Dear Reader,

I went to law school at Georgetown many years ago…

With the man who might be more responsible than anyone else for what I believe is an inevitable disaster now unfolding in America.

As one analyst wrote about this guy recently…

We have complained about him for years… he played God with markets in ways unimaginable… enabled massive bubbles that have all popped and popped badly, created the widest wealth inequality in our history, screwed savers…”

“He and his buddies have been wrong 100% of the time and it looks like that will continue… They need to be shut down.”

Today I want to show you who this man is… and how he has helped put us in one of the most dangerous moments in American history.

As I’ll explain, it’s now more critical than ever that you and your money are in the right place at the right time.

That’s the secret to surviving the next few years… for me and for you.

You don’t have to do anything particularly smart… or complicated. You simply must have your money in the right place at the right time.

That’s exactly what I think I can show you how to do today.

As I said, I think we’re about to see some of the most difficult years in our nation’s history.

And after a 50-year career spent building one of the largest financial research firms of its kind…

After launching offices in Poland, Spain, London, China, Russia, India and more than a half dozen other countries…

After making far more money than generations of my family will ever need…

And after taking the Federal Gov’t to court on behalf of America’s future generations…

I believe it falls on someone like me to warn you… clearly… and without distraction.

That’s why I’ve put together a simple, but detailed analysis, which explains everything I think you need to know.

You can watch it (and learn more about the 4 steps I recommend every American takes today), free of charge. Click here to view.


Bill Bonner
Founder, The Agora


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