A message
from our CEO
At Crocs, we believe everyone should be comfortable in their own shoes, which is more important than ever as the Coronavirus has become a growing concern around the world.
I want you to know that your health and safety is our first priority.
We’re taking guidance from the CDC, which recommends regular cleaning as one of the most important preventive measures we can take. Our stores and product handling facilities are regularly cleaned, and more time is being spent to make sure our stores and our products are cleaned throughout each day, ensuring that you can remain confident in purchasing your favorite Crocs styles.
In addition to these precautionary measures, we’ve also added more resources to support online orders and home delivery.
We’re committed to making sure our Crocs employees and associates are being taken care of during this challenging time. From the beginning, we’ve provided our valued colleagues the proper guidance and information so they can keep themselves and their families safe. We’ve encouraged our team members to observe CDC guidelines to ensure their health and safety, and have asked our teams to travel only if it’s business critical. We’ve also set up regular communication to share up-to-date information as needed.
Thank you for continuing to support our brand and our amazingly comfortable, easy-to-clean products. We appreciate your patience and compassion toward the amazing Crocs employees committed to helping you be comfortable in your own shoes.
Andrew Rees
President, Chief Executive Officer
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