Booking with Confidence We have updated our cancellation policy to give guests additional peace of mind when making bookings. Cancellation fees are waived for all guests travelling from affected countries for stays between now and 31st May 2020. We will remain flexible as the situation evolves, so this date will be updated as necessary to ensure you can book with confidence. For those who are not permitted or able to travel, please take good care of yourselves and follow the guidelines of the authorities in your respective countries. We are thinking of you, we remain here at your service and our warm, Centara embrace awaits you whenever you return. CentaraThe1 Loyalty Members We would like to assure our loyal members that any points and in turn, membership statuses, that are scheduled to expire between now and 31st May will be preserved. This period may be extended should the situation persist, and we will provide further updates as appropriate. Sign-in to your account to check your membership status. In closing, please be strong and stay safe. Difficult times such as these help us to remember what is most important in life and together, let’s support each other and come back stronger. We will provide further updates on our website, through our social media channels and at our properties as we have them.
Yours sincerely,
Thirayuth Chirathivat Chief Executive Officer Centara Hotels & Resorts |
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