Planet Radio Offers
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What now for Planet Offers...

Spring has sprung and normally this is a great time to grab a voucher and get out more. But these last few weeks have been anything but normal. 

While many are off work, mums and dads are now tackling the fun (challenging!) role of teacher and lots of us are getting itchy feet from being stuck in, one thing remains unchanged… and that is that we still love a good discount and we know you do too!

However, while the government are advising social distancing, even though many places are still open for business, we want to encourage you to follow the government recommendations (even if you’ve got kids driving you up the wall!). 

Now, we still want to provide you with some great vouchers and ideas to inspire you and your family because that’s why you follow us, right? So going forward, we’re going to share with you some great offers, but we’ll be making a few important changes to help you, our lovely customers.

•    We have extended all of our vouchers where possible to be valid until at least September 2019 to give you time to enjoy your days out.  

•    In our newsletters we will list voucher expiry dates so you can rest assured you’ll have plenty of time to use the vouchers.

•    We will keep providing engaging posts, competitions and things to do on our social media pages. Your lovely comments, likes, shares and photos really do make us smile are what drives us to keep doing what we do best.

This means that even though you can’t go out like you used to, we hope that by still sharing our offers, that when the right offer comes along, you can buy it with peace of mind.

In the meantime, please follow us on social media, like, share and comment where you can and engage with others. It’s times like these that we need to come together and make each other smile that little bit more. 

Stay safe

The Planet Offers Team

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Planet Offers
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