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3/31 @ 11 a.m.:
Racism and Anti-Semitism in Politics
A modern prayerbook for a pandemic
Forward Staff
Amid massive unemployment, the worst is likely yet to come at Jewish nonprofits
Aiden Pink and Molly Boigon
Brief items of the News and the Schmooze
Is a unity government nearing in Israel?
Major Jewish groups create ‘emergency pandemic coalition’
Coronavirus cases jump in Jewish corner of Long Island
Rashida Tlaib has a serious primary opponent - who’s a Louis Farrakhan fan
A Jewish doctor’s off-label virus treatment is now being used in multiple states
Ari Feldman and Helen Chernikoff
How we secretly baked matzah in the Soviet Union
Michael Felsenbaum
‘Their loved one is dying alone’: a hospice rabbi on how coronavirus is shaping death
Molly Boigon
Coronavirus is going to radicalize millennials
Joel Swanson
Young mother with wanderlust succumbed to Covid-19
Forward Stafff
This doctor was already treating patients with Trump’s ‘gift from God’ drug - before FDA approval
I’m just so angry
Dear President Trump: A fellow New Yorker is begging you - Make America COVID free again!
Fact check: Israel is not releasing a coronavirus vaccine
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