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I'm burned out on politics. And I don't think I'm the only one. They keep on talking about Trump and Harris, writing reams of copy, and I'm not sure any of it moves the needle. As a matter of fact, many people I know have already voted, never mind the fact that I can't find a single undecided voter.

Not that I can find a non-news podcast that intrigues me, that I'm addicted to. I can't listen to Kara Swisher kiss ass and claim to know everybody in tech anymore. And true crime...been there, done that.

So I pulled up the Moth.

Not that every story has a satisfying ending. But it's reality, humanity, and it roots me in what really counts, life.

And I'm listening to this episode and there's a fascinating story about a fortysomething woman adopted from Korea as a child who ultimately finds out not only does she have a whole findable family in Korea, she's got a twin sister! Pretty intriguing, since my significant other is a twin.

And then the next story starts and...

It's all about fake #1s. About an article that states the BTS Army makes their favorite act's albums go straight to the top of the chart even though most people are not fans and don't even know the music.

And this guy talking, Paul Chin, tweets to the writer of this article, saying every #1 is manipulated and then...

The BTS Army adopts him, supports him.

Chin is a wannabe artist. Scratch that, he's an artist who wants to give up his day job. He's trying one more time, and if he doesn't succeed, he'll give up his music career.


This is the power of social media. This is why you weigh in. Because you never know when you'll get lucky.

This episode does not load quickly, but ultimately it will load. Or you can pull up the episode in your podcast player of choice, it's entitled "Lo and Behold," and was published on 10/15/24.

It'll make you think. Make you feel warm inside.

And educate you all in the same process.

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