Plus, Big Tech vs. AEP
The customer recently noticed that his bills were spiking, even while he made efforts to reduce usage wherever possible.
In direct testimony to Ohio's Public Utilities Commission last month, several individuals, including consultants and tech employees, opposed AEP's request, arguing that the new rates would be "discriminatory" and "unreasonable"
The request, sent by the Attorney General's Residential Utilities Division, was sent to get the ball rolling to "develop the record" on whether the transaction is in the public interest.
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Power outages are inconvenient enough as they are, but with transportation electrification growing, outages will increasingly affect the ability to move freely as EV charging stations go offline.
While data centers have long been large energy consumers, the adoption of mainstream AI and GenAI is only beginning. Energy demand from data centers will increase exponentially as AI and Gen AI become ubiquitous in everyday business, writes Shriram Ramanathan, AI strategist and Chief of Staff at BidgelyShriram Ramanathan, AI strategist and Chief of Staff at Bidgely.
Advocates argue that public data on energy disconnections throughout the state would allow researchers, community-based organizations, and policymakers to identify patterns of disconnection and support communities that are more vulnerable to service disconnection.
The decision is meant to expedite the process for connecting homes and businesses, electric vehicle chargers, and other loads to the electric grid.
Early Bird rates are ending soon! Register before September 19 and save $75! Collaborate with industry leaders come together to learn, grow, and address the challenges of tomorrow. Every facet of the event is designed to spark new ideas, perspectives, and connections all with the goal of interconnecting more DER to the grid.
Episode 82 of the Factor This! podcast features Carrie Gill, the head of electric regulatory strategy at Rhode Island Energy, and Ed Brolin, the vice president of policy and distributed government relations at RWE.
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