Dear customer,
To calculate whether a worker has been paid the minimum wage, you need to know 2 things, their minimum wage pay and the hours that they’ve worked. That sounds simple but it can get more complicated as a worker’s pay may be made up of a few different elements but not all of them will count as pay for minimum wage purposes.
Calculating minimum wage pay: elements that do and don’t count and the effect of deductions and payments In this webinar, we will provide an overview of the different elements of pay looking at what counts and what doesn’t, also looking at deductions from and payments made by workers and the effect they have on minimum wage pay. Register here
We want to give every employer the best possible opportunity to get things right, as well as provide as much useful information and resources as we can, so please join us where we will have a panel of experts on hand to answer your questions.
Yours faithfully HM Revenue and Customs |
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