Good morning, Marketer, and how do you accomplish common goals?

It helps to establish a Community of Practice, especially when you’re operating under an agile framework. Stacey Ackerman’s latest piece about getting started on the Agile Marketing Navigator describes a new role, Practice Lead, and how they can get a Community of Practice up and running.

Also, in an increasingly data-driven environment, marketers and data analysts need to come together. It’s sometimes easier said than done. Here’s four major ways they can join forces and thrive.

Chris Wood,

Practice Lead: Getting started with the Agile Marketing Navigator 

A Practice Lead ensures that an agile team has the skills, tools and assets it needs to be effective.

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Lowe’s and Yahoo team up for retail media partnership

Yahoo’s DSP and ConnectID will support off-site media experiences through Lowe’s One Roof Media Network.

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4 common problems marketers and data analysts can solve together

Marketers and data analysts have distinct roles, but increasingly they need to work together to overcome obstacles.

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5 ways you’re hurting account performance when it comes to RSAs

Automation layering helps improve advertiser control and boost performance for new ad engine innovations like RSAs.

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What is a digital events platform and how can it help you?

Event marketing has changed radically in the last two years because of the pandemic. Virtual events and here to stay and digital events platforms let marketers and organizers to plan, deliver and measure the results of digital events either live or on-demand.

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NIL as well as pro female athletes attract big endorsements

A college athlete and TikTok star is competing with world famous female athletes for valuable endorsements.

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What is customer experience and why does it matter?

Learn what customer experience is, why it's important, and how you can improve it for your customers.

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2022 trends in email marketing

With email being so essential and critical, it’s important for email marketers and email designers to stay up to date. Identify–and evolve with–what’s trending in the world of email design and marketing.

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Why we care about RevOps: A marketer’s guide

RevOps seeks to maximize your brand's revenue potential by aligning departments and processes. Here's why organizations should consider implementing it.

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Explore the fall season of MarTech... now available!

More than 60 free sessions showcasing tools, technologies, and solutions — plus data-rich case studies from world-class brands like Coca-Cola and Atlassian… the complete fall edition of MarTech is here!

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