"It remains easy to misperceive the Midwest as merely 'flyover' country, with industries that mattered to the last century's economy but not to today's tech-driven one. However, the geography of the nation's new industrial strategy demonstrates that the region and its innovation infrastructure are reemerging as key focal points for the desire to invent, commercialize, and scale up the technologies that will advance American competitiveness," argue John C. Austin and Mark Muro.
Subnational democracy and local governance in Africa. Though democratic backsliding in Africa has notably increased over the last decade, democracy on the local level remains relatively robust, and mayors are increasingly engaged in policy experimentation and tapping into global networks to tackle major issues like climate change and food security, writes Danielle Resnick.
SCOTUS hears Trump disqualification arguments. In a new piece for Lawfare, Scott R. Anderson and co-authors describe the arguments in the Trump v. Anderson case and what each justice focused on in questioning. The authors also analyze how the Supreme Court might go about writing an opinion that seems destined to keep Trump on the Colorado ballot and prevent other states from following its lead.
America's upcoming general election
The United States is confronting many complex issues heading into the 2024 election.
This week, Brookings launched Election '24: Issues at Stake to inform the public and unpack key policy areas such as the U.S. economy, national security, climate, and more.
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