Fat Tail Daily

Dear Reader,

In the last great mining boom…

A no-name miner called Allied Mining and Processing went from 2 cents to $10 in five years. Then to around $25 today.

You know them today as Fortescue Metals Group.

Fat Tail Investment Research

Fortescue’s rise from ‘penny dreadful’ to one of the biggest miners on the planet…in less than five years…was SOME story…

…a tale of towering ambition...brilliant forecasting...consummate salesmanship…burnt bridges, missteps, and misfires…

…then, ultimately, UTTERLY IMMENSE share price gains.


It’s unrealistic to expect any stock to repeat that performance.

But 20 years later — on the cusp of a SECOND mining resurgence…

…there are a set of up-and-comers…and one stock in particular…who are looking to corner the critical metals scene…

…using similar tactics to the ones Andrew Forrest employed to challenge Rio Tinto and BHP dominance 20 years ago.

Click here to learn about ‘The Next Potential Aussie Mining Disruptor’.


James Woodburn Signature

James Woodburn,
Publisher, Fat Tail Investment Research

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