TODAY'S TOP STORIES - July 1, 2016

Thom Hartmann: The American Revolution Was the Original Brexit (Video)

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

The author of "What Would Jefferson Do?" examines the economic circumstances and bureaucracy that led to American independence.  READ MORE»

Here's One Way for You to Get Rid of Most of Damning Information About You on the Web

By Elizabeth Preza, AlterNet

Google has launched a series of new transparency features to provide users with more control over what personal information the company keeps. READ MORE»

3 Reasons We Can't Believe President Obama's Dramatically Low Figures on Drone Deaths

By Sarah Lazare, AlterNet

The president consistently misleads the public when disclosing information about covert drone wars. READ MORE»

Jessica Williams of 'The Daily Show' Schools Bernie Bros Boarding the Trump Train (Video)

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

Williams reminded hardline Bernie Bros that even Sanders isn't "Bernie or Bust." READ MORE»

Indiana Judge Nixes Bill That Would Have Restricted Abortions Due to Genetic Abnormalities

By Elizabeth Preza, AlterNet

It's a good week for abortion rights. READ MORE»

Why Millions of GOP Voters Bought Into Trump's Phony Populist Act

By Conor Lynch, Salon

Donald Trump is the last person who should be expected to lead a working class movement. READ MORE»

How Hillary Clinton’s 'Smart Power' Feminism Informs Her Foreign Policy

By Dinesh Sharma, The Conversation

Clinton understands that a more empathetic and compromise-driven leadership style is better suited for the multilateral challenges of the 21st century. READ MORE»

This Amazing Photo of a Breastfeeding Bride Has Gone Viral

By Elizabeth Preza, AlterNet

Women continue to fight to normalize breastfeeding in public. This badass bride had the ultimate gesture. READ MORE»

Wimbledon's Most Controversial Figure This Year Is a Dress

By Mary Elizabeth Williams, Salon

Who cares about the sport when you might get a glimpse of a female torso? READ MORE»

Which Founding Father Was the Biggest Lush?

By The Influence Staff, The Influence

In between starting America and perpetuating slavery, the Founding Fathers got drunk. READ MORE»

Are You Picking the Right Wine? Here's a Surprising Way to Make Sure (Video)

By Jenny Pierson, AlterNet

Something new to consider when you're checking out a wine list or label. READ MORE»

TV Reporter Arrested and Chained to Bench When Trying to Investigate Suspicious Police Practices (Video)

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

A public meeting is closed to the press. READ MORE»

Trump Surrogate: Waterboarding Could Have Stopped Orlando Attack With Only a 'Bit of Discomfort'

By David Edwards, Raw Story

"If it means putting someone in a bit of discomfort to extract information, I think most of the nation would say that’s OK." READ MORE»

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