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NEWS: March 29, 2016

The Pentagon
Public Workforce | The Nation
DoD's New System to Link
Employees' Performance
to Bonuses, Promotions

Hundreds of thousands of Defense Department civilian employees will see a change to the way their performance is appraised by their supervisors beginning in April. DoD's New Beginnings initiative will require more frequent reviews between supervisors and employees and a linkage between their performance and rewards such as bonuses and promotions.
>> Federal News Radio
New York Governor Bans Employee Travel to North Carolina
Following similar action by New York Mayor Bill de Blasio, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo banned all non-essential travel to North Carolina by government employees over that state's legislation that Cuomo said "creates the grounds for discrimination against LGBT people."
>> Albany Times-Union
Fact-Finder: Cal State Faculty Should Get 5% Raise
As the California State University faculty union prepares for a five-day systemwide strike next month, an independent mediation fact-finder has largely sided with the union's demands, concluding that CSU should offer its teaching staff a 5 percent raise.
>> Sacramento Bee
HUD Seeks to Recoup Housing Authority Execs' Excess Pay
The Department of Housing and Urban Development is seeking reimbursement of nearly $150,000 from six public-housing authorities that violated a cap on top officials' compensation.
>> Government Executive

Rod Blagojevich
Rod Blagojevich
Ethics | Illinois
Supreme Court Lets Ex-Governor's
Convictions for Corruption Stand

The U.S. Supreme Court decided not to hear an appeal by former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich of his convictions on corruption charges. The court left in place a 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruling upholding the bulk of the convictions. Blagojevich began serving a 14-year prison sentence in 2012.
>> Reuters, Chicago Sun-Times
Youngstown Mayor, Ex-Auditor Sentenced to Probation
Youngstown, Ohio, Mayor John McNally and former Mahoning County auditor Michael Sciortino were each sentenced to one year of probation for their roles in a public-corruption case involving a property deal. The plea deal allows McNally to remain in office.
>> Reuters, Youngstown Vindicator
Indiana Prosecutor Probing Beer Distributor's Gifts
A special prosecutor has been appointed to look into allegations that Monarch Beverage, Indiana's largest beer distributor, illegally funneled more than $1.5 million in campaign contributions to some of the state's most powerful elected officials.
>> Indianapolis Star

Public Officials | Kentucky
Official Who Warned About Benefits Mess Is Fired
Norman "Chip" Ward, the top official in charge of the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services' ombudsman's office, was fired one business day after he said he had warned his bosses that people were so angry over problems with a new public-benefits system that he feared some might become violent, endangering state workers.
>> Louisville Courier-Journal
89-Year-Old Ex-Kansas City Mayor Running for Governor
Charles B. Wheeler, the 89-year old former mayor of Kansas City and former Missouri state senator, is running as a Democrat for governor. Wheeler was mayor of Kansas City from 1971 to 1979.
>> AP/Kansas City Star

David Brown
David Brown
Public Safety | Dallas
Police Chief on Hot Seat
over Plan to Curb Violent Crime

Police Chief David Brown's plan to fight a drastic rise in violent crime--including a nearly 75 percent jump in murders--by moving hundreds of officers to different shifts and onto task forces is creating an uproar within his department. The Black Police Association has called on the chief to resign, and the Dallas Police Association says the department lacks direction.
>> Dallas Morning News
FBI's Success Unlocking iPhone Won't End Privacy War
Although the federal government officially withdrew from its legal battle against Apple after FBI investigators found a way to unlock the iPhone used by one of the shooters in the San Bernardino terrorist attack without the company's help, many observers sense that the technology privacy war is just getting started.
>> USA Today, Washington Post

Technology | The Nation
Are Agencies Overusing Social Security Numbers?
The House Oversight Committee wants to know if federal agencies are still excessively using Social Security numbers to identify federal employees or dole out benefits after a surge in SSN breaches has made ID theft a snap. A 2007 White House memo originally required federal agencies to stop overusing SSNs within 22 months.
>> Nextgov
Audit: State Dept. Failures Let to Bad IT Investments
Poor coordination and the lack of a comprehensive policy has led to a number of redundant and bad IT investments at the State Department, according to a newly released audit.
>> Federal Times

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Higher Education | Raymond Nadolny
Free College? It's Worth It.
Is free college tuition too far-fetched? As president of a community college, I certainly had my doubts up. But grant programs in Minnesota, Tennessee, South Dakota and my own state, North Dakota, where Williston State College offers free tuition, fees and books to every Williams County high school graduate, have turned doubts into belief. The impact has been remarkable. Enrollment at Williston State has increased by 30 percent. Millennials no longer ask whether college is worth the cost. Working parents feel they can attend college. Graduates face a debt-free future.
>> Washington Post
PLUS: Donald J. Farish on why we shouldn't blame colleges for higher education's unaffordability.
>> Chronicle of Higher Education | More commentaries

Nathan Deal
Nathan Deal
I do not think we have to discriminate against anyone to protect the faith-based community in Georgia.
Georgia's Republican governor, Nathan Deal, announcing that he will veto a bill that would allow faith-based organizations to deny services and jobs to gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people and saying he was not reacting to pressure from the business community, which had warned that the state could lose jobs if he signed it
>> CNN | More quotes

About 7 million
Number of Americans who live in places considered vulnerable to earthquakes induced by the pumping of wastewater from fracking into deep wells, according to a new earthquake hazard map published by the U.S. Geological Survey showing the most vulnerable places or populations in Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico, Ohio, Oklahoma and Texas
>> Washington Post | More data

ASPA webinar logo Veterans Policy
Field of Study

Tomorrow | 1 p.m. ET

Raun Lazier and Nathan Williamson of the Department of Veterans Affairs' Office of Policy and Planning will highlight areas where academics and practitioners can collaborate and will outline actions for developing a field of study for issues affecting veterans and their families. For more information or to register, click here.

International City/County Management Association
Webinar: "How to Reduce Municipal Water Losses"
Today, 1 p.m. ET

Center for State and Local Government Excellence and Council of State Governments
Webinar: "The Facts on Public Pensions"
Today, 2 p.m. ET

Webinar: "The Modern City: Building Community through Development and Technology"
Today, 2 p.m. ET

Heritage Foundation
Conference: "The Role of Intelligence"
March 30, 9 a.m.-3:15 p.m. ET, Washington, D.C.

Center for American Progress
Address by Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx: "Bridging the Divide: a Transportation Plan for the 21st Century"
March 30, 9:30-10:30 a.m. ET, Washington, D.C.

Urban Institute
Data talk: "Harnessing Credit Bureau Data for Research: Boomerang Buyers and Strategic Defaulters"
March 30, 12:30-2 p.m. ET, Washington, D.C.

American Society for Public Administration
Webinar: "Veterans Policy Field of Study"
March 30, 1 p.m. ET

Webcast: "Insider Threats: What Every Government Agency Should Know and Do"
March 30, 2 p.m. ET

>> Full events listings
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