Good morning, Marketers, it’s June 19th.

As we pause to commemorate the end of slavery in the United States, we look back, as we have in previous years, over some of the stories we’ve published that relate to diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace — and especially in marketing organizations — and related topics.

Whether you view Juneteenth as an occasion for contemplation, celebration or both, we wish you a peaceful one.

Kim Davis,
ditorial Director


Diversity and inclusion in marketing

The gender pay gap in marketing: Should women be more assertive or the market be more responsive?


The gender pay gap persists in marketing as well as many other careers. Here's actionable advice on combatting it.

Marketing management

What are diversity, equity and inclusion, and why do marketers need them?


Diversity drives success, but only if it's in both your content and your organization.

Diversity and inclusion in marketing

How marketing leaders can make diversity work within their teams


Real change happens when different decisions are made. Learn how embracing diversity leads to better decisions.

Conversions webinar

Supercharge your conversions: Make your landing pages work harder

Ready to give your landing pages the ultimate makeover? Our upcoming webinar is your personal stylist, guiding you on how to dress your landing pages for success. Understand best practices, use research to tailor your designs, and learn how to keep refining your style.

Register today!


Marketing management

International Women’s Day 2023 and the martech community


Martech is the intersection of marketing, where women hold 48% of all jobs, and tech, which is only 27% women.

Marketing artificial intelligence (AI)

How bias in AI can damage marketing data and what you can do about it


Mitigating bias in AI is essential for marketers who want to work with the best possible data. Here's what you need to know

Email marketing

Email subject line tips and best practices


Email subject lines can determine whether or not your email gets opened– or even noticed– in a crowded inbox. Make sure you are leveraging your best tool!

Read more

Customer experience

Why being purpose-driven goes hand-in-hand with being profit-driven and resilient


Brands that put purpose at the heart of what they do can future-proof themselves in an ever-shifting marketplace. Here's a framework for becoming purpose-driven.


Earn the right to call yourself an "award-winning" marketer


Put your organization a step ahead of its competitors, gain well-earned publicity, impress clients, and help generate new business: Enter the 2023 Search Engine Land Awards today to take home the highest honor in search.

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