John, you are exactly as you now are—with your every mannerism, challenge, and trait; skill, talent, and strength—because before this life began, at the height of your glory, with full awareness of your divinity, reach, and magnificence, you knew best the choices that would maximize this adventure. Bad hair and all.

Trust yourself, John. You chose superbly, and though you may not see it yet, you've already mustered the courage you had to muster, faced the fears you had to face, braved the storms, fought the battles, and exceeded every expectation you ever had for being the kind of person you hoped you'd be.

Just tickles me pink,

  The Universe

John, there is wisdom in the stars and meaning surrounding your birth. Astrology is an ancient, powerful tool of self-advancement.

The planetary alignment at the exact minute you were born, in the exact location, is what determines your unique birth chart. This planetary alignment is what informs who you are and who you are capable of becoming and evolving into while here on Earth; where you will thrive and what to avoid.

When you uncover all that's unique about you and others—and then learn how to integrate it into your life—it’s one of the greatest tools for transformation.

Click here to learn what astrology reveals about YOU!!! ✨🌙 💫

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

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P.S. John, I think I'm going to put you in charge of the planet.

Are you ready to learn what astrology reveals about YOU? 💫

The 21-DAY Astrology Adventure starts June 1!

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