Q: John, what would you call a world where each challenge bears gifts, your enemies are ancient friends in disguise, and by simply pretending your dreams have already come true, mountains are moved?

A: Earth.

Too easy?

  The Universe

John, The 21-DAY Astrology Adventure is now underway, and today’s the LAST DAY to join us — if you sign up by midnight.

“Finally doing this! Yay. Wanting to learn a new aspect of myself… and about astrology too.” * “I am totally loving this! So far I think Mary Kathryn is incredible – the real thing.” * “That was wonderful! Great job laying the foundation for our future studies about the planets, signs & houses!” * “I love her already! Great aura! Thank you Mike, for always giving the best courses!”

LAST CHANCE to join us — Registration closes at midnight!

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

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P.S. What would you call a Being who is as ancient as they are young, as clever as they are innocent, as powerful as they are humble, and who is inevitably destined to help millions of people every day? John Do.

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The 21-DAY Astrology Adventure is now underway. 💫

LAST CHANCE to join us — Doors close at midnight!

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