There's simply no such thing, John, as thinking too big.


  The Universe

John!! I can hardly believe my new book with Sara Landon (who channels The Council) finally released. I feel like I’ve lived most of my life desperate for the validation contained therein.

Here’s just a taste of my Introduction:

“I’ve come to learn through The Council, and by now many others, that I’m not alone, either in desire or readiness, to grow like I have never grown. This is the precise time on planet Earth foreseen by sages and ancient prophecy makers for this exact planetary awakening, complete with geological upheaval, atmospheric catastrophes, and above all, resistance and polarization of the masses, like the proverbial wheat being separated from the chaff.

“Now, it’s your turn.

“We’ve waited a long time for this, you and I. To command the elements, creatively fulfilled, loving our lives, with cups so overflowing that our burning desires begin shifting outward to help others see and live the truths that have made our lives so extraordinary. We’ll thereby help to usher in a golden age unlike any in recorded history, as legions now excitedly watch in the unseen, as anxious for us to join them in awareness as they are to join us in the flesh.

May you find in these pages answers to all of your questions, and far more. May they trigger and confirm your own inner suspicions of life’s glory and your power. I have every confidence that herein, as we pilgrimage through these sacred jungles of time and space—just as planned, so long ago, back at the beginning of time—you’ll find the confirmation, validation, and inspiration you need to go any distance you desire."

Yours in the adventure,


If you buy the book today you’ll get 2 BONUS GIFTS. ❤️

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Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

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P.S. John, that would be like thinking too rich, too happy, too healthy, or too yummy.

Order my NEW book TODAY and get 2 bonus gifts!

The Dream, The Journey, Eternity, and God

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