It's an absolute law, John, that every challenge, fear, or loss you encounter bears gifts far more valuable than the price of the trouble they cause.

I think it's Law 123.ILY -

  The Universe

John, I asked The Council:

  • Was there really a “fall from grace”?
  • Who are you? Why have you shown up?
  • How does God fit into the equation of life on Earth?
  • What does “enlightenment” really mean?
  • To what degree can we transcend life’s illusions without destroying the fabric of our adventure?
  • What steps can be taken to live with more miracles?
  • Why is there now such a diversity of opinions on Earth?
  • Can you tell us about Atlantis and other civilizations?
  • How GOOD can life get here on Earth? Please describe.
  • What happens when we die?
  • Please share on realities beyond time and space?
  • What are your TOP 3 TIPS for living lives of joy?

Here are their answers!

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

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P.S. And remember, John, no loss ever goes unsettled in the long run.

NOW AVAILABLE:The Dream, The Journey, Eternity, and God

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