It's really, really simple, John.

Love what you do (what you're now doing), and you'll become a magnet for all things good.

As if you needed the extra incentive.

“What you’re now doing,”

  The Universe

John, prepare to be WOWed by TODAY’S LIVE CHANNELED EVENT (the first of 6 channeled broadcasts!).

I’ll be asking Vagrein (channeled by Jessie Herman):

* What’s going on with Earth? With humanity? Is this evolution or ascension?

* Is it really possible for us to elevate ourselves to perform miracles?

* How can we facilitate our own evolution into being bringers of the dawn?

* How can we best surf the wave of rising energies now before us?

* What’s next? What’s coming? What can/should we know/do?

AWAKENING II STARTS TODAY! Don’t miss this once-in-a-lifetime event! 💖

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

To reprint, credit and attribution to © 

P.S. And, FIRSTNAME, "all things" fits you perfectly.


Awakening II starts TODAY!

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