Be careful what you wish for, John, not just because you might get it, but because in the wishing you may reinforce its absence in your life.

Better to give a great, BIG "Yeehaa! Thank you! Whoohooo!" in advance for having already received it, and act as if you already have.


  The Universe

John, if I can go from CPA to selling t-shirts to writing as “the Universe” and living the life of my dreams—you can too.

I’ve learned that finding your bliss does not come from defining it in advance or carefully choosing the right path. It comes from having the right priorities, the right focus, and following your heart down a number of possible, even wrong, paths. Today my Creative Livelihood Course is 60% OFF until midnight! I’ll be sharing these ideas and much more. Plus, if you don’t LOVE IT, it’s free.

Your dreams are worth it… and this will help you live them!

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

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P.S. Rebel yells work great too, John. "More! More! More!" and all that.

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