The only person you really have to make happy, John, is you.

Good thing you're so cool -

  The Universe

John, talk about a POWERFUL weekly ritual!

"I love Tuesdays with Mike… it's essential for our growth." * “Amazing to meet and share thoughts & experiences with like-minded people all over the world.” * “I can’t even begin to tell you how my life has changed.” * "Today was my first call! And I'm so blown away by your clear conviction and articulation of things I know to be true yet struggle to express in my own life. A while back I asked for my next teacher to appear. Poof! You appeared!"

We meet here—every Tuesday—for 30 minutes.

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

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P.S. There's no one I trust or believe in more, John, on such an important subject.

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