Thinking brand new thoughts that you've never thought before, John, is far more conducive to creating major life changes than thinking different varieties of the same old thoughts.

Something to think about,

  The Universe

John, want to work together?

Help me TEACH others about life’s magic and our power!

On Thursday, July 27th, I’m hosting a FREE WORKSHOP that will help you find your groove and “reach those who haven’t been reached.” I’ll tell you how the idea got started, who we help, and how you can be involved, John.

It’s FREE to attend — click here to learn more about this opportunity.

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

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P.S. Like, where will you be this time next year, John? Will you be loving that weightless outer space feeling? And what will you be dreaming of after you get your beautiful vacation home?

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Love learning about life’s magic & our power? Why not TEACH it?

Attend my FREE WORKSHOP on July 27 — Save your spot!

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