No matter how hard you work, prepare, or calculate, John, the final ingredient necessary to leap hurdles and manifest dreams will always come down to a little spark of magic that no amount of physical maneuvering can ensure.

While simply remembering that you're not alone, can.

Flick my bic,

  The Universe

“All I can say is that if this book falls into your lap, it's meant for you. If you get a feeling of curiosity about it, it's meant for you. If the title of the book resonates with you, no more needs to be said. If you need any confirmation of whom you truly are, this is the ultimate read!”

The Dream, The Journey, Eternity, and God

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

To reprint, credit and attribution to © 

P.S. Ensure, John, means "to make certain."

My Infinite Possibilities Conference is happening September 7–10. ✨

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