Should you ever hear your name being called, John, only to spin around and see absolutely no one… it's most likely one of us, in the unseen, who misses you so much we've begun following you around, talking as if you can hear us, waving our arms around excitedly as we speak, and getting so carried away that we've ended up volunteering you for sainthood by blurting your name out so loud it broke the time-space barrier. Oh my!


  The Universe

This will change everything you believe about life, death, and reincarnation!

John, on October 5th I’m hosting a FREE 90-MINUTE WORKSHOP with Marije Terluin, my past life regressionist.

You’ll learn about reincarnation, the art of exploring your past lives, and how to find clues in your present life about: who you were, when and where you lived, and your purpose in this lifetime.

(A Wild!) Interview with a Past Life Regressionist — SAVE YOUR SPOT!

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

To reprint, credit and attribution to © 

P.S. We do miss you, John… but while you’re away we're loving your house, Jacuzzis, ponies, and wildebeests. Don't worry about a thing!

FREE WORKSHOP: Interview with a Past Life Regressionist

Watch LIVE October 5th @ 2 pm ET — SAVE YOUR SPOT!

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