Tell me, John, are you finding that lately the occasional stranger seems to have a crush on you? That for words you've effortlessly chosen, hearts broken too long began to heal? That eyes sometimes well up with tears when it's time to say goodbye?

Remarkable. Our findings exactly.

Psssst… John, your divinity is showing.

  The Universe

Yo! Ho! Ho! John, it’s time to have FUN!

Announcing our NEW 14-DAY Past Life Regression Adventure!

When: Starts October 11

Why: To discover the LESSONS of your past lives and the PURPOSE of this one

Who: Thousands of people will be joining us (some of whom you may have known in a prior life!) ❤️

Doors open TODAY! This will be WOW! You can choose what to pay!

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

To reprint, credit and attribution to © 

P.S. Yeah, John, I think it's the exhibitionist in you.

Ready to travel back in time & learn the lessons of your prior lifetimes? 💫

The 14-DAY Past Life Regression Adventure starts October 11.

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