What if, John, you were so naturally buoyant, no amount of fear or worry you might entertain could keep you from moving forward?

What if, no matter how lost you felt, the path you sought always lay beneath your feet?

What if, no matter how alone you seemed, there were always adoring friends perched upon your shoulder?

Would you then begin to understand the meaning of "Thy Kingdom Come"?

Laughing all the way to the bank,

  The Universe

Hi, John! Back when TUT was starting out, decades ago, I’d meet every Tuesday morning for a “Mastermind-like” jam session with my two biz partners—Mom and my brother, Andy. We’d jam and riff on life’s magic, our vision for the company, and our personal dreams. We’d share readings from fave books, recent epiphanies, and some laughter. We’d leave those meetings with our heads in the clouds.

Well, 3 years ago I sought to replicate these meetings for Notes subscribers. LIVE weekly broadcasts on Tuesdays(!), where I jam and riff during what are now called, “Mini-Manifesting Workshops.” There are thousands of members and we all have our heads in the clouds afterwards!

The Infinite Possibilities Membership as low as $2.88/week — Join me!

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

To reprint, credit and attribution to ©www.tut.com 

P.S. Well, John, you are going to cash that "check," aren't you?

Infinite Possibilities: The Art of Living Your Dreams ❤️

It’s my gift to you this week (normally $129, now pay what you want!)

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