Hypothetically, John, if you were to begin asking the world—best friends, complete strangers, or natural-born psychics—why some things haven't worked out the way you wanted, how other things got so crazy, or what might be wrong with you (oh, please, no), they'd have answers. Oh, yeah.

Of course, at first they'd be taken aback that you even asked, but they'd hide this so as not to hurt your feelings, quickly accept the authority you surrendered, and then talk their little heads off with reasons, rationale, and insight… glad to be recognized and sincerely happy to be of service.

Then, you'd both be further convinced of your "issues."

So I say, let's not create such opportunities.

Always beside you,

  The Universe

John, I asked The Council:

  • Was there really a “fall from grace”?
  • Who are you? Why have you shown up?
  • How does God fit into the equation of life on Earth?
  • What does “enlightenment” really mean?
  • To what degree can we transcend life’s illusions without destroying the fabric of our adventure?
  • What steps can be taken to live with more miracles?
  • Why is there now such a diversity of opinions on Earth?
  • Can you tell us about Atlantis and other civilizations?
  • How GOOD can life get here on Earth? Please describe.
  • What happens when we die?
  • Please share on realities beyond time and space?
  • What are your TOP 3 TIPS for living lives of joy?

Their answers have received 4.9 stars at Amazon — Check it out!

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

To reprint, credit and attribution to ©www.tut.com 

P.S. I’d rather you just ask them the square root of pi or if they believe in Atlantis, John.

Infinite Possibilities: The Art of Living Your Dreams ❤️

It’s my gift to you this week (normally $129, now pay what you want!)

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