The more you do, John, the more I can do for you.

Don't worry that your baby steps are small, mine cross continents.

And don't worry when you can't yet see what I'm doing… soon everyone will.

Look out world,

  The Universe

Do you have a weekly ritual that grounds you in truth? Members and I meet EVERY TUESDAY for a new Mini-Manifesting Workshop, which includes:

  • Manifesting tips, tools, and techniques
  • Guided visualizations and affirmations
  • Encouraging riffs on your beauty and power
  • Stories, metaphors, and inspiration from my own life

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Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

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P.S. The more you do, John, the more I can do for you.

John, see it in your mind, feel it in your heart, and the rest will follow...

21 guided visualizations to help you manifest love, balance, peace & more.

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