If you would simply think deeply, John, on the things you've loved most about life; on the things you've loved most about yourself; and of the main challenges you've faced, whether behind you or in the moment, you will know in an instant, beyond a shadow of a doubt, exactly why you chose this lifetime.

Clever you,

  The Universe

John, dreams do come true!!! You owe yourself an amazing adventure with new friends... dancing... snorkeling... sailing... swimming... and sharing life's truths with me and like-minded peeps... in PARADISE!

TUT's Tahitian Islands Cruise — Only 2 SPOTS left! April 6–13, 2024

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

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P.S. Now, John, to figure out why everyone else showed up…

John, see it in your mind, feel it in your heart, and the rest will follow...

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