Did you know, John, that your little computer already has about 416 powerful options, shortcuts, and functions you don't even know about that could make your life simpler, happier, and zippier with just a few clicks?


And did you know that the Universe has about 46 giga-trillion powerful options, shortcuts, and functions; friends, allies, and confidants; secrets, solutions, and answers; ideas, inventions, and dimensions; angels, wizards, and fairies; engineers, strategists, and specialists; plotters, planners, and diagrammers; nooks, crannies, and hideouts; games, adventures, and thrills; stories, legends, and fables; flavors, scents, and melodies; pleasures, pleasantries, and passions; eurekas, cowabungas, and yeehaws you don't even know about that could make your life simpler, happier, and zippier with just a little visualizing?

Yeah, cooler.

You can start now.


  The Universe

John, in case you missed it: For a price you choose, I’m giving everyone access to my 21 GUIDED VISUALIZATIONS on love, money, travel, creativity, peace, balance, and more. This will help you create a powerful visualization practice and become a master manifestor.

"Wow! Today’s visualization is a game changer!" * "Thank YOU deeply for showing me how to LET GO and allow myself to LIVE in BLISS!" 💗

21 Guided Visualizations — normally $99, LAST DAY FOR 75% OFF!

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

To reprint today’s note, please give attribution to ©www.tut.com 

P.S. Let me surprise you, John.

John, see it in your mind, feel it in your heart, and the rest will follow...

21 guided visualizations to help you manifest love, balance, peace & more.

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