You absolutely will not believe who was at the party last night!

As round and jolly as ever, handing out presents to all who'd receive, our dear friend "Abundance"! Lovely soul. Oh, and "Time" was there, along with "Space"; they're truly inseparable. You should have heard the tall tales they were spinning—about near and far, here and there, now and then.

Oh, and guess who was asking about you? Again! Uh-huh, you know who... "Gratitude." Told me you've been hooking-up lately—you go, John! But better be careful or the next thing you know there'll be good and plenty running around the house—or houses.

Fear was there, too. At least no one paid it any attention, and then, poof, it vanished as quickly as it arrived. Never fails.

So tell me, where were you hiding? Was that you in the conga line? Funny how it just flows when everyone lets go of the "Hows" and the "Shoulds." They're such a pain, those two, always trying to lead the way when just one step at a time and you'll be astounded at the places you go.

Did you see those pesky "Limiting Beliefs" get thrown in the pool? Serves them right. Imagine attending a party like that and then turning invisible! Happily, during their vanishing act there were traces of them everywhere—frightened guests, bad vibrations, and, yep, cookie crumbs—clumsy clods. They're never really that hard to spot if you just look for their trail.

Now, why am I telling you all of this, John? It was your party! As they all are.


  The Universe

John, OMG, the comments under my NEW interview with Alex Ferrari on Next Level Soul have me soaring, thank you!!

“AMAZING!” * “I KNOW he was channeling… I felt the TRUTH.” * “So, so UPLIFTING!” * “I have no words!” * “I needed this kick in my butt.” * “You added another gem to my journey.”

Mike Dooley interviewed on Next Level Soul!

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

To reprint today’s note, please give attribution to © 

P.S. Oh! You were the one dressed-up as a "chocolate kiss," right?! That is, if you call body paint "dressed-up"! Really, John....

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