Do you ever feel nostalgic for the good old days, John?

Like before this life began? When you buzzed with happy talk, walked on happy feet, and loved with happy friends obsessed with the possibilities, the challenges, and the adventures; the scares, the dares, and the comebacks; the glories, the miracles, and the triumphs that would all be made possible once you became… John Do?

Welcome to the highest heights,

  The Universe

John, some guides are family members and loved ones who’ve passed... some are from prior lifetimes that you shared... and some, like angels, have never lived in time and space, yet they come in the form of spiritual teachers to oversee and offer assistance. 💗

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Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

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P.S. Well, yeah, I suppose not, John. I mean, given that your beautiful vacation home is so close to manifesting, you know? And that you’ll soon help millions of people every day with wings on, right?

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