Would you believe, John, that there are some people who actually think they can change their life through "pretending it better"?

We call them masters.

In awe of you,

  The Universe

John, connecting with your spirit guides can transform all areas of your life. Are you ready to learn:

💗 The names of your spirit guides?

💗 Rituals and exercises to deepen your connection?

💗 How to properly ask your guides for the help you need?

💗 How to recognize spirit guidance when it unexpectedly arrives?

💗 A powerful morning archangel meditation?

These 21 lessons will help you connect with your spirit guides.

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

To reprint today’s note, please give attribution to ©www.tut.com 

P.S. John, sure beats pretending nothing is happening. Ha!

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