If I were to explain to you, John, how life, your life included, was meant to be… at first, you wouldn’t believe me.

Because, John, you’re already there, living as you were meant to live. You’re exactly where you’re "supposed" to be, learning what you wanted to learn, loving who and what you wanted to love, while absolutely adored by all who know you, in an adventure without end.

Stranger than fiction,

  The Universe

John, this is fun! Pick a Note from the Universe card each day…

The right one will always find you. ❤️

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

To reprint today’s note, please give attribution to ©www.tut.com 

P.S. John, you live in a paradise, cloaked in matter, where your thoughts become things, your words give you wings, and all things remain forever possible. How could things be better?

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