Somewhere, over the rainbow, John, there's a world where birds sing into every night, flowers bloom across every land, each problem has 10,000 solutions, and people live lives only to love and be loved…

Just like under the rainbow.

Ain't life grand?

  The Universe

John, waking up in your nighttime dreams can:

💗 Give you clarity on big decisions

💗 Heal emotional wounds

💗 Spark creative ideas

💗 Provide peace when there’s turbulence

FLASH SALE — These 21 DREAM lessons will help you become lucid.

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

To reprint today’s note, please give attribution to © 

P.S. You’re making Earth look so go-o-o-o-o-d, John.

FLASH SALE! This week only: 💗

The 21-DAY Lucid Dreaming Adventure is 75% OFF!

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