When your dreams or "end results" are stated generally, in broad brush strokes, like wealth and abundance, friends and laughter, health and harmony, then please, by all means, John, attach yourself to them. Attach, attach, attach. There’s no limit to what you can have and no reason to expect anything less.

But when your end results are specific, like the ultimate car, a hot date with someone specific, or a home on a certain street, do not attach, do not attach, do not attach.

Details and specifics are only a tiny piece of a grander picture and are never important in and of themselves. They're "cursed hows" disguised as end results. Steps disguised as destinations.

By all means, imagine the details, put them in your scrapbook or on your vision board to fuel your excitement and remind yourself of the kind of possessions and adventures that are your birthright. But do not give them importance, through attachment, greater than what you are truly after: a fuller, richer life with all cups running over, the details of which will take care of themselves by the time your ship sails into view.

Bok choi, baby -

  The Universe

John, are you ready to DREAM BIGGER in 2024?

Attend my LIVE Vision Board Making Adventure on February 7 @ 2 pm ET!

I'll show you how to create a vision board that captures the full essence of your imagined, rocking life on every front: love, abundance, creativity, spirituality, health, and happiness. 💖🎉

This will go WAY BEYOND vision boarding… to help you manifest a better life!

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

To reprint today’s note, please give attribution to ©www.tut.com 

P.S. Know the "wows," John, not the "hows."

Grab scissors, glue, magazines and photos… 🎨🖼️

Attend my LIVE Vision Board Making Adventure on Feb. 7!

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