John, it's a matter of switching gears, never looking back, and being the person today that you've always dreamed you'd be.

Entertain every thought, say every word, and make every decision from their point of view. Walk the way they would walk, dress the way they would dress, and spend your free time the way they would spend theirs. Choose the friends they would choose, eat the meals they would eat, and love and appreciate yourself the way they would.

After all, that person is who you really are -

  The Universe

John, my LIVE Vision Board Making Adventure is TOMORROW! 🎨💓

Don’t miss this! One new idea might change everything! I’ll show you how to:

  • Get clear on your highest priority areas for change and growth.
  • Showcase everything you want, from love to health to wealth.
  • Adopt a “This… or better!” mindset for every element you include.
  • Visualize the “end result,” bypassing the “hows” of your arrival.
  • Add pizzaz and reminders of life’s magic around your home.
  • Harness the power of scripts to craft blueprints for your future.
  • Integrate affirmations, creative visualizations, and more!

LAST CHANCE — Join me (live) tomorrow at 2 pm ET!

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

To reprint today’s note, please give attribution to © 

P.S. Not that I haven’t always loved how you dress, John.


My LIVE Vision Board Making Adventure is TOMORROW @ 2 pm ET!

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