Which sounds like more fun, John: Being showered with miracles just because I love you, or being showered with miracles because you dared, stretched, went out on a limb, raised the bar, threw down the gauntlet, faced your fears, and grew into more than you ever knew you could be?

Dare ya,

  The Universe

John, TODAY’S my birthday! 🎉

To celebrate, I’m hosting a LIVE Vision Board Making Adventure @ 2 pm ET!

Plus, I’ll go way BEYOND vision boarding and show you how to:

  • Get clear on your highest priorities for change in 2024
  • Align your beliefs with your deepest desires
  • Live with greater ease and intention
  • Manifest a beautiful vacation home and help millions of people every day
  • Fully own and embody your power

LAST CHANCE — Join me (live) TODAY at 2 pm ET!

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

To reprint today’s note, please give attribution to ©www.tut.com 

P.S. Challenge yourself, John, every single day.

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My LIVE Vision Board Making Adventure is TODAY @ 2 pm ET!

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