Insecurity, John, is the greatest social piranha in the pool of human existence.

Yet remembering that no matter what anyone else thinks or does, you can still choose your own thoughts, do your own things, and manifest your own happiness… instantly makes you the bigger fishy.

Hook, line, and sinker -

  The Universe

+If you think, as quantum physicists do, that time and space are illusionary,

+If you believe, as 92% of the living do, that we survive our physical death,

=Wouldn’t you expect the dead to be bursting with stories, love & inspiration?

These are the TOP 10 things dead people want to tell YOU!

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

To reprint today’s note, please give attribution to © 

P.S. Think for yourself, John, and never worry about body armor again.

You’re already a CHANNEL of higher wisdom… learn to use it! 💗

The ART of Channeling starts March 15.

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