One of life's great ironies, John, is that very often the "stuff" you're trying to avoid right now is the same "stuff" you're going to miss most once you move on.

Ha, ha… oh, my -

  The Universe

John, who have you lost? They want to comfort you, inspire you, and make you laugh... by telling you: 

  • The #1 thing they wish they’d known when they were alive
  • What has fascinated them the most
  • What their view is on life’s challenges and setbacks
  • Why they were ready to die and you are not
  • How you can live more deliberately and consciously
  • What your long-lost fur babies are now up to
  • What’s next for them… and you
  • And much, much, much more!

These are… the TOP 10 things dead people want to tell YOU!

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

To reprint today’s note, please give attribution to © 

P.S. You know, John, like challenges, responsibilities, and boredom. True.

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