You just never know, John, who in the crowd, standing beside you in line or passing you in the street, might be raised in spirit, or even lifted from despair, by the kindness in your glance or the comfort of your smile. 

But they may never forget. 

Supersize me,

  The Universe

John, you’re reading this TODAY for a reason if:

You feel called to a path of service

You love inspiring and empowering others

You want to teach the truth about life’s magic & our power (even if you don’t know how and even if it scares you)

Attend my FREE WORKSHOP TODAY — to learn how we can work together!

If you’re not able to watch live, register anyway and I’ll send you the recording.

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

To reprint today’s note, please give attribution to © 

P.S. John, it takes so little.

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