Those who are needy of attention, John, hide from themselves their greatness.

Those who are needy of opportunity, John, hide from themselves their power.

And those who are needy of love, John, hide from themselves what's already there.

But boy, are they in for a wild ride.

Love you like crazy,

  The Universe

John, why is it so important to align your desires with your heart? And how do you do it? Find out tomorrow! Grab your coffee, pen & paper, and join me and like-minded thinkers…

When: Tuesday, May 7 @ 10 am ET

Topic: Being True to YOURSELF

You’ll learn: How to align your desires with your heart for easier manifesting

Join me LIVE — TOMORROW and every Tuesday — for 30 minutes!

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

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P.S. John, there are better kinds of wild. Trust me.

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