Did you know, John, that it's perfectly OK, even highly ideal, to claim all is well amid doubt and confusion?

To be happy in spite of challenges?

To laugh at problems?

Dance without a partner?

Sing without a rhyme?

Talk to inanimate objects?

Oddly, most don't.

You SO rock,

  The Universe

John, ever wish you could feel more JOY in your life? Grab your coffee, pen & paper, and join me and like-minded thinkers tomorrow…

When: Tuesday, May 14 @ 10 am ET

Topic: The Magic of Enjoying the Journey

You’ll learn: How to add "happy" to every step of your journey

Join me LIVE — TOMORROW and every Tuesday — for 30 minutes!

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

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P.S. It's like this world was made just for you, John.

Are you ready to spark the magic that’s waiting for you?

Your Wish Is the Universe's Command starts May 22!

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