Each person in your life is there for a reason, John, and that reason always has something to do with love.

Like me,

  The Universe

John, I asked 6 world-renowned channels: Bashar, The Council, Sasha, The Founders, Healing Love & The 9D Arcturians:

* What’s the #1 thing we can do to raise our vibration?

* How do we navigate more with our heart?

* Why is happiness so elusive and how can we find it?

* What is “the work” that has to be done, individually, to awaken?

* Can you please offer some meditations that foster awakening?

* How can we address and release our emotional “baggage”?

* How do we heal the wounds of shame, regret, and self-judgment?

* How can we learn to distinguish between our inner voice and ego?

* How do we find our passion in life, and how does this play into awakening?

* Can anyone be a channel? How can this skill be developed?

* And much more…

CLICK HERE for their answers.

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

To reprint today’s note, please give attribution to ©www.tut.com 

P.S. Which is pretty much all you ever need to know, huh, John?

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