Heaven forbid! Do you really think I'd let you go to a place where you couldn't find new friends, laughter, health, and abundance of every sort? Where you couldn't be happy about something every single day? Where you would be limited, stuck, or unable to change your circumstances? 

Do you even think such a place might exist? 

Not in a zillion years, John

Your Michelin Tour Guide to the Cosmos - 
  The Universe
John, let’s me and you start a daily ritual beginning on January 1st.

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®
© www.tut.com ® 
Yeah, okay, so you wonder about those born in the poorest of countries. Are you so sure that they are alone, without love, and unable to manifest change? That at times they don't pity those born into cities of glass where productivity is often worshipped more than kinship? That they are somehow there without a say in the matter? John, they're where they most wanted to be this time around, as are you, though this doesn't mean you can't both learn and find joy in reaching out to one another.
How AMAZING will 2020 be?